Treatment Des Concierge ©

Alcohol Treatment

Alcohol use disorder, especially when one has graduated to alcoholism is a disorder that requires treatment. It is characterized by physical dependence, cravings and an increasing need for larger amounts of alcohol to stay drunk. This behavior puts you and the people around you at risk.

Without treatment, significant stress is placed on your personal life as well as physiologically. Alcohol abuse can vary from mild to severe and usually requires professional treatment due to decades of failed attempts to stop drinking on one's own merit.

When Is Alcohol Treatment Needed?

Alcohol treatment is needed when alcoholism or alcohol abuse disorder is a glaring problem in your life. If you have tried to stop drinking and cannot, if you drink and drive, if you find yourself jonesing to drink more and more to get drunk, if you drink when you are angry or depressed, drink when you are alone or if you or your friends and family are worried about your drinking, then you definitely will benefit from alcohol treatment.

What Is The Difference Between A Normal Drinker, A Heavy Drinker & An Alcoholic?

Please do not read any further if you are not ready to hear this. A normal drinker is someone that does not think about drinking. They do not plan their drinks. When they order a drink they will only drink one and never more than two drinks. More than likely they will leave their second drink half finished and most often will say “I am beginning to feel light-headed I cannot finish this drink”. A heavy drinker will plan his drinks around his lifestyle. Drinking will be a part of his conversation, unlike a normal drinker. A heavy drinker will have more than three drinks per night and more than 10 per week. They experience hang-overs, heavy partying, controlled drinking – meaning switching types of drinks, times to drink, bouts of not drinking, constantly repeating themselves while drunk and more. Normal drinkers never try to stop drinking that is a clear sign of heavy drinker behavior even though they are not drinking. The point is they are trying to not do it. Normal drinkers just do not drink much. A heavy drinker may be what is termed as “functioning”. They may have experienced lost jobs, lost relationships, arrests as a direct result of their heavy drinking, drinking to feel comfortable in their own skin, but still seem to function in society. Heavy drinkers also think that no one knows they have a problem and are in denial. Everyone knows they have a drinking problem as it exudes from their breath, their skin and their impaired drunk speech with all the trickery they employ to hide it ie: mouthwash, gum, another drink, cologne/perfume, shower, clean clothes, etc. The only person in denial about their drinking is the drinker. A typical vision of an alcoholic may be perceived as a bum on the street with a bottle of whiskey in hand begging for money to get his 'next drink' and singing 99 bottles of beer on the wall. This is not the case for all alcoholics. Many alcoholics have loved ones that are enabling their behavior so as to not allow the above scenario to happen. Alcoholics come in all shapes and sizes and are typically quite colorful personalities. What are the hallmarks of an alcoholic? They do not count their drinks, an alcoholic drinks uncontrollably, their favorite drink may be first thing in the morning (normal drinkers and heavy drinkers do not do this). They experience black-outs, binge-drinking and the binge's are growing closer and closer together, all they can think about, talk about and look forward to is the next drink, their whole life is planned around drinking, black and blue marks, dry heaving, bed-wetting, loss of bowel movements, not eating aka malnutrition, alcohol poisoning, court hearings and much more. End stage alcoholism is defined by rhinophyma or bulbous nose, 'wet-brain' which is alcohol dementia, cirrhosis of the liver (which makes you present as though you are nine months pregnant) and all of the above symptoms in technicolor. Does being an alcoholic mean you are a bad person? Not at all. It simply means your heavy drinking-alcoholic behavior is age-old and very predictable. Many people have conquered alcoholism either by jail, institutions, death or recovery.

Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Programs Pros and Cons

Pros of Inpatient U.S. Medical Boards Model Treatment

  • Advanced treatment in a shorter period of time that is quantitatively effective and developed for physicians that struggle with their own addiction.
  • Concierge treatment to include special requests fitted to your real-life needs.
  • Flexibility to recover in your natural environment or vacation environment as a clinical reboot.
  • Urgent medical attention for a safe withdrawal to typically include a medical detox.
  • Efficient structured or unstructured framework of treatment plans.
  • Success rate is 80%

Cons of Inpatient Minnesota Model or Malibu Model Treatment

  • Insurance based treatment plans that are structured around activities vs. intensive treatment.
  • Treatment protocols are structured around a school like atmosphere with a local roster of staff.
  • No special requests
  • Medical detox must be performed in a separate location.
  • Failure rate is 90%

Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Programs Pros and Cons

There are several forms of outpatient rehab programs. This type of treatment may be more convenient for some, since it does not involve being away from work and home. Though it does not offer a clinical reboot, outpatient alcohol treatment is a successful means to conquer addiction.

Pros of Outpatient U.S. Medical Boards Model Treatment

  • A dedicated treatment team of highly-credentialed doctors from around the country that work directly with you.
  • Concierge model to include all special requests.
  • Flexible and intensive advanced treatment protocols.
  • You will learn to live within the framework of your real-life.

Cons of Outpatient Minnesota Model or Malibu Model Treatment

  • Your after-care plan are referrals given to you upon your release and you may be left to your own devices.
  • You may work with a non-certified or certified companion.
  • Will be impossible if you do not have a good support network.
  • Your access to a counselor and physicians is in an office setting that you must drive to for 15 minute to one hour sessions per week.

Why Concierge Alcohol Treatment?

You may be considering why you should choose concierge alcohol treatment. The reasons vary per individual. Here are but a few:

The Scott © offers advanced concierge treatment that is customized to your needs. You will be successful with the right team of experts and do not need to continue alone. It is important for you to include your family or loved ones with you or your pet. You receive private care from seasoned doctors, and you can choose from intensive two week plans, 30 day plans or long-term plans depending on your particular needs.

We will fly our highly credentialed medical and clinical doctors in just for you. There is no record of your treatment or you may want a record for court reasons of which we will provide. We have accommodated all sorts of clientele and families with a very high success rate. It is time for you to get this over and done with and to move on with your life free from the ball and chain of alcoholism.

If you have further questions about treatment at The Scott ©, please refer to the FAQ section or call us at 888.827.7736.

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The Scott 2025 Official Member Forbes Business Council
1 of the top 10 Leader in Treatment Newsweek Magazine
Featured in Hollywood Reporter 2013
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Aspen Sojourner
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Certified Medical Detox by WAATME Mark of Excellence
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