Treatment Des Concierge ©


Were you showcased in NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE as one of the "Top 10 Luxury Rehabs"?

We were showcased in a 2011 issue as "One of the Top 11 Leaders in Treatment".

How long have you been in the luxury rehab business?

The Scott © is the original leader in concierge luxury rehab blazing a trail in the field of addiction. Our doctors and clientele have helped us to develop our treatment plans over the course of the last ten years beginning in 2010.

Were you featured in THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER?

Yes we were in the 2013 issue “Inside Hollywood’s Swankiest Rehabs”.

What is your addiction treatment model?

The Scott © is a hybrid of a successful U.S. Medical Boards Model developed for doctors struggling with their own addiction and other disorders. It is the most successful model in the business and provides an interdisciplinary medical and clinical higher level of care. The U.S. Medical Boards Model has out proven the Minnesota Model or Malibu Model with an 80% success rate vs. a 95% failure rate. The Minnesota Model was developed for company employees with addiction issues; the company would allow the employee to check into treatment for 30 days so that employee would generate more revenue for the company. The Malibu Model was developed for marketing purposes only; not based on medical research. The Minnesota Model and Malibu Model are center-centric. The Scott © model is client-centric.

Can you review my lifetime medical or clinical reports?

Reviewing your lifetime reports developed into one of our specialities and will help us to help you get properly diagnosed. A certain percentage of our clientele have been misdiagnosed.

I cannot have anyone know I require addiction treatment. Are you discreet?

Many of our clientele are very high-profile, the reason you do not see their names on our website or in the news, and the very reason we are still in business. A few have graciously allowed us to video their experience.

Are you owned by a large health corporation?

We are not. Many addiction treatment programs are owned by large healthcare corporations or are controlled by insurance company restrictions. We are privately owned and focus on advanced concierge treatment for alcohol, drug addiction treatment, prescription drug addiction, pain-management, dual diagnosis disorders and much more. Their profit and loss reports are their bottom line.

Is your concierge luxury rehab licensed?

Yes, all of our medical, clinical, holistic treatment experts are board certified, licensed, or credentialed and some of whom have multiple licenses and/or certifications.

What sort of payments do you accept?

Wire Transfer: A client or families preferred choice. It is the most streamlined method of payment in a high crisis situation and best for IRS purposes.
Checks: We can accept checks and begin services once the check clears.

Do you accept insurance?

We do not accept Insurance. We provide advanced concierge treatment which insurance companies will not insure as it is too costly for them compromising your care. Please read more this on our "Pricing" link.

Do you accept kickbacks from referrals, treatment centers, addiction treatment professionals or other?

Never. It is unethical to do so and illegal in some states. You have the right to know if you are being referred to another treatment center facility or sober living home and if the referrant is receiving a kickback.

Are you endorsed by any addiction scientific researchers?

Yes we are.

Who is on your addiction treatment and/or co-occurring disorder team?

They are a distinguished multidisciplinary treatment team(s) with excellent bedside manners and collectively have over 75 years of clinical expertise & 100 years of personal recovery.

Where is your luxury rehab location in the US?

We have discreet luxury estates and more in the U.S. - convenient to all.

Where is your concierge luxury rehab in Europe?

We have exclusive and luxurious locations in Europe - convenient to all.

Do you have luxury rehab locations in Asia or the Middle East?

We provide private medical and/or clinical concierge addiction treatment in tandem with all sorts of other co-occurring disorders in discrete locations worldwide.

What is Treatment Des Concierge ©?

Concierge luxury rehab is at a destination location or venue of your choice with a specialty team of the top-flight doctors from around the country with an assessed treatment plan tailored-made to your specific requests, medical and clinical assessments, and requirements. No two client cases have ever been the same. To find out more please click our Treatment Des Concierge © link.

Does this mean you can send your luxury rehab treatment team to me globally?

Yes we can.

I do not want to check into a traditional treatment center. What is a Treatment Home Healthcare © plan?

For more information please visit our Treatment Home Healthcare © link.

Now why would you have Spa Des Concierge ©?

Since ancient times spa therapies are scientifically proven to lower stress levels holistically as opposed to prescription drug abuse. Here is what we do not understand: Our competition are charging robust fees, are not including spa accommodations and when a client goes off-site for spa services there are hidden fees. Remember the bottom line for treatment centers owned by large healthcare corporations are all about profit. With The Scott © it is all-inclusive. Spa therapies raise self-esteem which is especially important for some of our clientele who have not left their home in months or years.

If I check-in can you please describe what my concierge luxury rehab schedule will be like?

In between breakfast, lunch and dinner our multidisciplinary PhDs, PsyDs, doctors, board certified & more will provide medical, clinical, holistic and spiritual scientifically researched integrated intensive non-invasive treatment, other wellness therapies, and more. It is also important to include your requests and requirements. This is a general idea. Each case is unique.

Excellent. I require business amenities. Is this possible too? And what do you mean by "Business Des Concierge"?

Yes, of course, most of our clientele require business amenitites. We have also developed another plan called Business Des Concierge © treatment for company employees and company involvement or treatment for a company as a whole.

Oh and do you offer internet service?

Yes we do.

Do you have a concierge luxury rehab on a white sandy beach? Can I take time out to swim, take a dip in the sea or just relax on the beach for a while?

Yes. For more information about this please visit our Treatment Tourism © link.

Is the water a liquid see-through turquoise exactly like it is in the pictures and the way I imagine it in my mind?


What sort of a spa elixirs do you offer? Can I include a massage everyday, maybe twice a day and get a coiffeur?

We offer Spa Des Concierge © which you may bow-tie in tandem with your treatment plan.

Is Treatment Tourism © equivalent to medical tourism?

Yes it is. Many US, European, Saudi’s, Indian, Asian & other nationalities have special requests for various locations they would like to travel to for a medical detox, addiction treatment, pain-management, gambling addiction, other co-occurring disorders or just want to relax in a peaceful stunning preferred location while being medically and clinically supervised.

What are entry requirements for Pet Des Concierge © when bringing a pet into another country for Treatment Tourism ©?

All countries have diverse laws regarding international pet travel. The quickest way to find out about pet entry requirements is to Google the information.

So let’s get back to Treatment Home Healthcare © does it really work?

It is a scientifically proven model that we adopted and transformed into a hybrid. The original model is practiced by American Medical Boards requiring addicted physicians to engage in for re-licensure up to five years. It has a 70% to 90% success rate and it is the most effective model in our field. This plan may be integrated at your home or as addiction aftercare or for co-occurring disorders aftercare.

Well, I think I am just going to find myself an after-care plan that should do the trick. Don’t you think that is a good idea? I will save money.

That is like telling Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Pele or Babe Ruth that you are a better athlete than they are. This is a matter of life and death. Our medical & clinical team(s) are the foremost experts with breakthrough addiction research you do not know about or may not yet understand you need. The ideal course of action is for you to engage The Scott © for at least a two-week intensive preferably 30 days for an advanced concierge medical detox, addiction treatment, pain-management, prescription drug addiction, gaming addiction, gambling addiction, sex addiction, couples rehab, depression rehab, anxiety rehab, addressing all underlying dual diagnosis disorders, other process addictions and more with the finest handpicked addiction PhDs and distinguished experts whom are scientific researchers, hold doctoral degrees, and collectively have over 100 years of seasoned medical and clinical careers and/or personal recovery, build an evidence based foundation, and continue to get well within a clinical framework of Treatment Home Healthcare ©.

Your Treatment Home Healthcare © sounds great, but it is not going to work for me. Don’t I live too far away?

Our Treatment Home Healthcare © plan may be chosen in place of traditional treatment provided in your home or as an addiction aftercare plan or co-occurring aftercare plan is a very convenient global and mobile concierge plan.

What type of medical detox do you offer?

We provide a seasoned medical approach with holistic sensibilities. It is formally called: Medical Des Concierge ©. For more information please visit our link.

I do not like to be called a client. May I please be called a guest?

Yes you may.

Do you listen to your guests or clients? There are things that I know do and do not work for me. Can you work around this?

Yes. We respect our guests or clients knowledge and know their experience is invaluable and many times are just as bright and educated about addiction treatment, prescription drugs and more as our doctors, yet, require observation for a more comprehensive diagnosis and plan.

I am not an addict. I am a complex pain-management client. Can you really help me?

We are very experienced at helping people exactly like you and have saved lives.

How can you clinically help me with my pain-management or depression?

The Scott © team(s) consist of prominent PhDs, doctors and more. It is imperative to initially assess and observe to determine the proper protocol for your medical, clinical, holistic and spiritual treatment track. Our scientific addiction researchers and other industry referrals endorse The Scott © and have worked successfully with thousands of individuals just like you.

What do you mean by brain fitness?

One of our PhDs, a scientific researcher, was one of the original pioneers of a scientific therapy. What he has developed is light years away from what any center is using to heal your brain directly effecting an immediate change with your physical pain, depression, anxiety, brain injury and so much more. Did you know another one of our PhDs healed their own physical pain developing another therapy that worked for them?

Can you tell me about some of the scientific research?

More studies have been performed on the brain in the last 30 years than all throughout history leading to brain fitness along with scientifically researched holistic, spa discoveries and aerospace therapies.

Is brain fitness necessary for brain injury?

Yes. There are various reasons individuals have brain injury (also known as brain insult) to include alcohol addiction, drug addiction, accidents, to name just a few. We have several non-invasive proven therapies helping to heal these injuries and ignite flexibility, focus, speed, attention and memory.

At other luxury drug rehabs I have walked out on more medications than when I walked in. Will this happen at The Scott ©?


It seems like you are not supportive of prescription drugs for dual-diagnosis individuals or co-occurring disorders?

We are. What we do not support are medical doctors, psychiatrists or psychopharmacologists prescribing lethal amounts of medications for patients much more than a hospital would administer. For example, if you have been battling pain-management or clinical depression for many years you must be on a certain amount of medication. Conversely, "The biggest and fastest-growing part of America's drug problem is prescription drug abuse," says Robert DuPont, a former White House drug czar and the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. "The statistics are unmistakable." "Prescription drugs cause most of the more than 36,000 fatal overdoses each year" says Leonard Paulozzi of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Since the year 2019 these fatal overdoses have exponentially skyrocketed.

What are your luxury addiction treatment protocols?

We integrate all scientific and evidence based medical and clinical proven multidisciplinary treatment based on a U.S. Medical Board model with luxury hospitality courtesies and amenities in luxurious locations of your choice.

What if I only want intensive scientific-evidence based addiction treatment. Can you provide this?

Yes we can.

What if I want to work with holistic pain-management doctors only. Can you provide this?

Yes we can.

I really do not like 12-Step programs. May we not include this in my treatment track?

We will absolutely honor this request. Many individuals benefit greatly from 12-Step programs and some require other resources. The reason traditional treatment centers (controlled by insurance companies) toss every patient into a 12-step program as part of their treatment plan is because it is free for the insurance company, does not cost them anything, yet costs you comprehensive advanced concierge treatment.

I really do like the 12-Step programs. Can you help me get back into it?

Yes we will.

What if we want our family member to have particular spiritual counseling. Can The Scott © provide this?

Yes we can.

There are other doctors I have been working with. Are you able to collaborate with them?

Absolutely, your treatment plan will be much more comprehensive and streamlined when including your current doctors.

There are other doctors I have been working with that I do not want you to collaborate with. Is this acceptable?


Why would you fly in addiction experts for me?

Your life and wellbeing depend on it. Our standards are to provide our clientele exceptional treatment. Both our clients and professionals look forward to traveling to our various locations. If there is a specific area of rehabilitation that we know you will benefit greatly from we will fly in our specialist(s) to work with you directly.

Can you give me an example of what The Scott © specializes in?

We specialize in wellness from alcohol addiction, substance abuse, illicit drug addiction, prescription drug addiction, pain-management, dual diagnosis disorders, family rehab, couples rehab, process addictions ex: shopping addiction, gambling addiction, sex addiction, pornography addiction, obesity, agoraphobia, anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, trauma treatment, sleep disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, anger-management, anti-social behavior, bipolar, borderline personality, married to an alcoholic and other mental health disorders. For example, if you are a chronic alcoholic, cannot stop drinking and are facing legal issues we will intervene with our multidisciplinary team of experts immediately to provide representation with a court case or if you are in dire need of a medical detox in tandem with pain-management and prescription drug addiction treatment this is another one of our specialties.

Will Treatment Home Healthcare © really work for me?

Our multidisciplinary treatment team(s) are fitted to your medical, clinical, holistic and/or spiritual treatment plan. Our Treatment Home Healthcare © is a successful model we adopted from a U.S. Medical Boards model. If you are ready to get well it will work for you. Please visit our YouTube to see how it has worked for others.

Do you provide Interventions? Alcohol interventions? Drug interventions? Prescription drug interventions? Family Des Concierge © interventions? Couple Des Concierge © interventions?

Yes we do globally.

Do you have a professional who will fly with me?

Yes we do. We will send our pro to you so you can arrive safely.

What if I am too drunk or too high to fly?

The airline will kick you off a commercial flight. You must wait until you are more alert or you may choose to fly privately.

I cannot leave my home as I am too sick or agoraphobic. Can you help me?

Yes we can.

I am in a very bad environment right now will you please intervene and get me?

Yes we can globally!

How many locations do you have?

Worldwide discrete location in the United States, Europe, Dubai, India, Asia, South Africa and exotic islands.

Do you have traditional luxury rehab treatment center locations like everyone else?

We are advanced concierge treatment in preferred one-on-one discreet boutique locations.

Do you only work with famous clientele?

We work with everyone. Yes, we work with very high-profile clients to executives to housewives and more. Addiction and co-occurring disorders do not discriminate.

How long may I engage in Treatment Des Concierge ©?

As short or as long as you require. We suggest at least The Scott © two-week intensive. Some individuals require one year or more. Treatment plans are interchangeable, may be bow-tied together, and extended over a period of time.

How long is a Medical Des Concierge ©?

Each medical detox case is medically unique. We have successfully worked with complex short-term acute medical detox and vacillating long-term medical detox cases such as: alcohol detox, opiate detox, complex prescription drugs detox and more.

I am leaving another treatment program and I want to check into one of your luxury rehabs for a while; until I feel ready to live on my own. Is this possible?

Yes, The Scott © will provide a structured advanced concierge Treatment Des Concierge © plan for you.

We just want our chronic alcoholic or drug addicted family member to be as comfortable as possible without checking them into a psychiatric ward. Can The Scott © please help our family with this?

Yes we can.

I am really feeling quite unwell and do not feel like putting on a show. Will I be comfortable?

We understand exactly what you are experiencing. We help ill individuals get well. Most of our cases are high-crisis and dress attire is comfortable at all times.

I do not want anyone to know where I am. Will paparazzi find me there?

All of our locations are discreet and we are able to provide extra security when necessary.

Is everyone who works with The Scott © required to sign a confidentiality agreement?


I do not like to feel left out. Will I ever feel left out?

Never. We completely understand what you are going through. You will have a sense of belonging and inclusion, unless you request time alone.

Do you have a gym?

Yes or you may have the option of a fitness trainer, physical therapist, or light outdoor adventures in all Treatment Tourism © locations.

Oh don't give me that spiritual treatment center stuff. What if I am an atheist and I want a non-spiritual treatment center?

That is why we tailor a treatment track to suit your needs. The Scott © has no religious affiliation. We respect your beliefs and/or non-beliefs.

Do I need an assessment first over the phone?

Yes. Prior to checking in there is much work performed requiring intensive assessments by our team(s) of doctors. They will perform medical, clinical and special menu requirements to structure your most effective integrative treatment track.

I have very particular food preferences. Do you offer a special food menu?

We provide organic fresh food fare. A few of our Treatment Tourism © locations have no genetically modified foods on island (non-GMO). We also cater to special food preferences.

What about smoking? Can I smoke?

Yes. We respect your right to smoke as long as it is in a designated area. We understand how difficult it is to detox from alcohol or drugs. We request out of respect for Mother Nature that you dispose of your butts appropriately. Did you know birds, fish, turtles and more eat cigarette butts? and beaches around the world are turning into ashtrays? Please note many of our clientele use e-cigarettes.

What sort of outdoor therapeutic adventures do you provide?

Your outdoor therapeutic adventures may be an underwater lagoon aquarium, world-famous snorkeling, scuba diving, pearl farming, sailing and canoeing excursions, secluded beach picnics, shark & ray feeding, surfing, fishing, shell hunting, hiking, nature walks, safari tours, jet skis, horseback riding on the beach, ATV, swimming, biking, wild-dolphin adventures, surfing, fly fishing, fishing, paddle boarding, and more. We may also include a coach to teach you a sport you have always wanted to learn.

This all sounds lovely, but what if I am too ill to physically do anything?

Some clients are agoraphobic and/or have been housebound. We have special protocols for you.

What activities do you provide?

There are countless complementary wholesome activities to integrate in your treatment plan. We will also integrate your requests.

May I bring my pet?

Yes. There is plenty of room to bring your precious pet. We have discovered pets and service pets have saved the lives of our clients and have been traumatized by addiction or other co-occurring disorders. The Scott © has also accidentally saved the life of a pet or two. This is how our Pet Des Concierge © plan was developed.

May I bring my family, wife, husband, best friend, posse, or favorite co-dependent person(s)?

Yes you may. However, they will be required to get involved in our Family Des Concierge © plan in person or remotely.

What is Family Des Concierge ©?

We have discovered Family Des Concierge © ie: treatment to include family members will revolutionize your wellness

What is Couple Des Concierge?

By accident we discovered we were the original developers of couples rehab ie: luxury couples rehab, told to us by one of our foremost top relationship doctors in the U.S.

May I bring illegal drugs or alcohol with me?

There are police dogs at every airport. If you or any fellow traveller smuggle any illegal drugs with you, you will be arrested. Do not under any circumstances whatsoever bring any illegal drugs with you to any location. All medications that are prescribed by a Doctor must be secured.

Will you help me book the flight?

Yes we will.

Do I need a passport?

Depending on which country you are traveling from you will need a passport. The Scott © hospitality assistant will help you with this if you do not have one.

Where can I get my passport approved quickly?

There are expedited passport services in your area. The fee will be close to $500 US Dollars or go to universal currency converter If you have your required Birth Certificate you may get it overnight or in two to three days. In the USA if you do not have your birth certificate you may call the hospital where you were born to retrieve it or they will send it to you. This may be the same protocol in your country. It is best to check online.

What do you offer that other addiction treatment centers do not offer?

Ask yourself this question: Are the finest treatment team(s) all in one location? They are from around the United States & Europe and must be flown in. We are on the pulse of the latest breakthrough medical detox protocols, addiction treatment, pain-management disciplines, mental health treatment and are working closely with PhDs, researchers, doctors and much more. When you check into a treatment center you are subjected to whomever happens to be working there at that time. We handpick multidisciplinary treatment team(s) to suit your needs cost. We offer Treatment Home Healthcare © that is a proven long-term effective model adopted from the US Medical Boards. We provide spa accommodations on-site when requested. We are able to fly to you. Several of our concierge locations are beachfront, luxury resort locations, comfortable and quaint settings or at a destination location of your choosing. We are private pay so you will not have a permanent record to protect one's future. We have no restrictions vs. insurance company rules and regulations.

Does The Scott © have a scholarship program?

We no longer provide scholarships. We have discovered clients who are willing to pay for their care, are ready to get well, and want advanced concierge treatment.

Why are you called The Scott ©?

Scott J. Lavin was a humanitarian and heir to Alberto Culver V0-5 who donated his time and finances to help thousands of individuals go through treatment centers, sober living houses and more. His untimely overdose was the inspiration for The Scott ©. To find out more please visit "Our History" link.

Why is The Scott © so different from other treatment centers?

We listen to our clientele and their families regarding their particular medical, clinical, holistic, hospitality requests. Our clients and doctors helped us to develop our treatment plans. We offer our clientele sophisticated medical, clinical, holistic, hospitality plans because we want you and your family to get well permanently. It is also personally rewarding for everyone involved. Additionally, we provide: comprehensive testing, reviews of your lifetime medical and clinical reports, treatment to include family members, couples rehab, treatment in your home, hotel or other destination locations of your choice with top-flight doctors from around the US and internationally. Our clientele work with our doctors intensively and the reason it is referred to as advanced concierge treatment. Our clientele who had previously bounced in and out of top treatment centers have told us they had never received our level of care. The reason other treatment centers do not provide advanced concierge treatment is because insurance will not cover it, the overhead is too costly for the center or owner, compromising your care, at your expense.

The Scott © sincerely looks forward to helping you transform your life to wellness. or call our 24 hour helpline: 888.827.7736

Our Partners

The Scott 2025 Official Member Forbes Business Council
1 of the top 10 Leader in Treatment Newsweek Magazine
Featured in Hollywood Reporter 2013
The Scott partnered with Global Rescue
Family Travel Association
Aspen Sojourner
Verified by Psychology Today
Accredited by WAATME Mark of Excellence
Certified Medical Detox by WAATME Mark of Excellence
Certified Treatment Center by WAATME Mark of Excellence
The Boca Raton Tribute Your Closest Neighbor
Lloyds of London logo