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Does Luxury Rehab Have a Higher Success Rate? YES!

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A wise man once commented that "the greatest luxury is to be free." We do not think he was referring to addiction, but there is little doubt that the sentiment applies. Every year thousands of people make the decision to enter rehab and begin the difficult journey to free themselves of prescription drugs, alcoholism, pain management and more to heal their lives. To finally experience the luxury of being free from the vicious torment that is the abyss of addiction.

It is quite fitting that we should refer to our addiction treatment plans as "luxury rehab", because our ultimate mission is indeed to set people free.

Much has been publicized about luxury rehabilitation centers; primarily to highlight some celebrity or other's fall from grace. However, few people really understand what it means to receive concierge treatment. Luxury does not just mean your own personal suite or a run-of-the-mill traditional facility. The disparities between "ordinary" rehabilitation and concierge luxury rehab extends to every aspect of treatment.

Is it more effective than regular rehab? A resounding yes!

What Does Discreet Concierge Luxury Rehab Mean?

The common definition of luxury is "the state of great comfort and extravagant living". Now imagine that being applied to rehabilitation. The philosophy behind concierge luxury rehab is that individuals, couples or families expect the right balance of comfortable surroundings and the highest credentialed level of clinical and medical doctors to overcome their condition.

This means combining discreet luxurious locations with the most esteemed medical and rehab talent in the field that are flown in from around the the country. Consider undertaking your local out-dated Minnesota Model rehab at a center in any city nearby and the local pool of staff on-site for example, and contrast that with concierge luxury rehab. As good as the local treatment center may be, it does not compare to the powerful effects of a U.S. Medical Boards Model working with the most seasoned and smartest minds in the business with flexibility to accommodate one's real-life.

Concierge luxury rehab with Five Star exclusive venues, elite medical and rehab seasoned academics and care and attention that are neatly detailed.

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Are You Ready To Bloom?

The most talked about aspect of a luxury rehabilitation center is often the facility itself and it's location. As one would expect, these private estates are in ultra desirable and picturesque locations, furnished with designer decor tantamount to a high-end hotel, and are typically secluded. All of this is not just for show and mystery.

As alluded to earlier, environment does play a crucial role. Let us go back to the earlier example of a rehab center in the heart of a city. It is completely feasible for such a facility to provide limited services. However, from a client’s point of view, the struggle to recovery is compounded by bouncing in and out of these treatment centers in all of these locations. So now not only is location of great importance so is a sophisticated fully credentialed concierge team.

A positive environment, such as those provided by luxury rehab programs, breeds positivity in the client. First of all, you may fly to an exclusive location; away from temptations. Secondly, you may chose treatment at home, your vacation home or hotel, surroundings you are most comfortable with. And thirdly, all locations will have been prepared for you to bloom into wellness.

Why Celebrity Rehab Media Stories Are Misleading

Media frenzy often publish sensational celebrity rehab boomerang stories, checking in and out, in and out, going back and forth and then several months or years later checking back into a treatment center. This leads people to believe that whatever goes on inside these treatment centers is not working.

News headlines highlight the failures and seldom highlight the successes. Something about a person checking into a rehab facility, recovering and getting on with their life is just not as newsworthy to the media. Nevertheless, you are very likely to get the wrong impression of a concierge luxury plan if you follow these stories.

The truth is that prestigious treatment will pride itself on having a high success rate and it is something that individuals and families count on. Here at The Scott © the U.S Medical Board Model has a very high success rate. Clients, couples and families are relieved to finally be receiving the help they have desperately sought. Insurance driven treatment centers with a corporate engine are driven by numbers and quotas to generate more revenue and simply do not have the patient in mind first and foremost.

Do You Require Expert Care, Ethics and Confidentiality?

Whether you are a high-profile client or not, it is important to find a center that can give you the expert care you are seeking. How can you ensure that they operate ethically and confidentially?

You are of course covered by standard HIPPA  regulations designed to protect your privacy, however, for some these regulations are not stringent enough and the risk of information getting out to the public remains. Part of the success story of discreet concierge treatment is in their ability to keep your medical and treatment care record free. Traditional treatment centers accepting insurance will not tell you this, but you will have a record for a lifetime that may be used to disparage your reputation in the future. What may your insurance record affect? Inheritance, Life Insurance, Lawsuits, Divorce, Employment, Background Checks, etc.

Private pay helps to mask a clients payment providing a veil of security to a person’s privacy, and overrides insurance restrictions.

Are You Ready To Check-In?

It is quite clear that all the elements of concierge luxury or medical concierge rehab are unprecedented. The question still remains however. Does luxury rehab have a higher success rate? Yes. Luxury rehabilitation such as that provided by The Scott © is celebrating it's seventh year, a success in it's own right with revolutionary treatment plans that work!

Whether you are a celebrity, businessman, or aristocrat you can be sure of one thing: You will be receiving the finest rehabilitation available and you can finally look forward to enjoying true luxury - your freedom.

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