Treatment Des Concierge ©

The Difference Between Treatment Centers & The Scott Treatment Des Concierge ©

A Note From Our Clinical Director - PhD, scientist-researcher

We offer a collection of on-site specialties, some concentrated on addiction wellness and others centered towards pain management, couple and family issues and typically other measurable long standing cardinal challenges.

Early on, it may be necessary to address detoxification and physical withdrawal symptoms. We provide medical detoxes in any safe setting, from partial-hospitalization, luxury estate, quiet resort, or other medically-sanctioned environment, if safe and appropriate.

TRADITIONAL TREATMENT CENTERS: Set up like a school. They run classes on fixed schedules, usually called programs or tracts. For economic reasons, these programs are usually  taught to a group. These too have different names, like Orientation Meetings, AA, NA, Yoga, Equine Therapy, Relapse Prevention, etc. Because it is locked in to a group teaching model, you would think this would include testing to see if your teaching was effective. Unfortunately content-testing is frowned upon as too academic, too harsh. And the fear is that patients would drop out.

This is considered a relief by most staff members, because their effectiveness is never directly challenged. As a result, 'teachers' tend to assume that successful outcomes are a competency model for effectiveness. This is compounded by a great deal of variability in the teaching staff.  Many are recovering or recovered addicts. While it is comforting that people in recovery are part of the program, these same people are at risk of projecting their recovery success in an ineffective way to others. This is particularly true of staff the are not fully credentialed.   A side-effect of this model is that the teaching staff tend to be chosen for their charm in dealing with difficult students without firing them. Content tends to take a back seat to soothing students, a situation that can quickly deteriorate into a babysitting role. The consequence of the group teaching model is the generation of hour-long classes of questionable quality, separated by long periods of other activities, complicated by variability in the credentialing, training and experience of the teaching staff.

THE SCOTT © TREATMENT DES CONCIERGE ©: Developed and honed by our clients and their families special requests. An act that insurance companies cannot allow due to red tape. There are no classes. We also teach, but teaching is ongoing, individualized and appropriate to the immediate needs of the person. We eschew an advanced academic approach in comfortable and luxurious settings of your choice or ours where you will receive intensive testing, and in-depth interviews to identify both problems that allow for freedom of change when needed,  We use a variety of techniques to highlight your individualized personality style, allowing you to gain insight into  how you approach and cope with difficult situations.  This kind of teaching requires a higher level of training than found in most group programs. Our eminent and seasoned staff is highly credentialed, and committed to helping you deal head-on with how to realistically cope with cravings, prevent relapse, scientific protocols for helping and saving people, their families and to finally end the merry-go-round madness.
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The Scott 2025 Official Member Forbes Business Council
1 of the top 10 Leader in Treatment Newsweek Magazine
Featured in Hollywood Reporter 2013
The Scott partnered with Global Rescue
Family Travel Association
Aspen Sojourner
Verified by Psychology Today
Accredited by WAATME Mark of Excellence
Certified Medical Detox by WAATME Mark of Excellence
Certified Treatment Center by WAATME Mark of Excellence
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